Solwr's Gender Equality Report - per 31.12.2023
Solwr consists of three different units:
- Solwr Group AS
- Solwr Software AS
- Solwr Robotics AS
Solwr works continuously to promote equality and prevent discrimination. Actual condition for the reporting year 2023:
Gender balance per job level
Solwr is a medium-sized group of companies with 89 employees. The position levels are therefore only divided into levels 1 and 2, of which level 1 consists of the management group and middle managers' level 2 consists of the rest of the employees.
The gender distribution shows that there is a predominance of men in both level 1 and level 2. In the tech industry, the sector that Solwr operates in, it’s generally recognized that there is a gender imbalance, with women being underrepresented in technical roles and leadership positions. Despite of this we work towards a gender balanced workplace and have a goal to increase the female proportion within both categories. The companies practice a salary and employment policy that does not discriminate between the genders. In recruitment processes, we have a policy that encourages diversity including gender however we experience few female applicants. Mainly all positions are permanent except for students on seasonal employment and there is no involuntary part-time work.
Our work for equality and non-discrimination
As a part of our strategy and values, clear goals are included that we should be an attractive workplace and stimulate a healthy work life balance with physical activity, diversity, openness, responsibility, loyalty, willingness to change and independence. We have an overall goal of being the region's most attractive workplace, which means, among other things, that we will build people, build culture and build business and ensure the recruitment of necessary resources and skills.
Our management principles illustrate what we as managers and employees in Solwr should emphasize in the exercise of our leadership and employeeship, what attitudes we want to cultivate and what boundaries we want to set. Our leadership will strengthen team spirit, mutual trust, openness and psychological job security. Managers must seek to be intention-based with a clear direction and framework. Managers at all levels should seek to develop employees through appropriate challenges and necessary support. Respect for each other between genders, different nationalities and different cultures is an important part of our management principles. At the end of 2023, Solwr had employees from 11 different nationalities.
Solwr encourages all stakeholders, both employees and contractors, to report objectionable conditions in the business. The employee handbook and notification poster with information about whistleblowerguidelines are available on the intranet and physical notice boards. All notifications are treated confidentially, and the notification can also be sent directly to an independent third party in cases where the employee/contractor wishes full anonymity. An independent third party accepts the notice on behalf of Solwr and advises on further follow-up. This contributes to good protection of the whistleblower and fairness in handling.
The company collaborates with local schools and educational institutions to motivate interest in technology across genders. This is done, for example, via participation in the First Lego League, internships, school visits and guidance for those in primary school to upper secondary school and university.
Recruitment and diversity
In accordance with the company's guidelines, all recruitments are advertised internally and made easily accessible to employees. Professional digital tools are used in the recruitment process. The recruitment process contains various types of tests and selection criteria to find the best qualified candidates regardless of gender and nationality. The working language is largely English so that language is not an obstacle to hiring the best qualified candidate.
Wages and working conditions
Salary determination in the company is based on the general market level, type of position, role and responsibility, level of education, job performance and seniority. The company has a well-developed salary system that is gender neutral, the company must be competitive in the market. Engineers, who make up a large proportion of the company's employees, are paid in accordance with the general market level and current NITO and TEKNA statistics. Pay mapping is taken care of by neutral functions and regulations, pay and working conditions must be approved by the management in accordance with the company's framework.
Solwr has a focus on accommodation and facilitating the working situation for the employees that needs special fasilitationThere is cooperation with the local NAV office and, the occupational health service. When possible, Solwr can facilitate work training.Solwr have been facilitating this work practice three times the past year.
Development opportunities
Continuous improvement and competence development is crucial for the company's ongoing value creation. The company gave 18 students valuable work training, mastery and salary in 2023. In addition, Solwr recruits one new apprentice in March, every year.
Flexible working hours
The company practices flexible working hours within the framework that takes care of the company's work capacity needs, where employees are given the opportunity for flexibility in connection with when and where they work, which is necessary for a satisfactory "work life balance" in different life phases.
Expectations for the work going forward
Solwr will continue to map and initiate measures for enhancing inclusion and equality work. We are committed to promoting gender equality in all aspects of our organization. We believe that diversity and inclusion drives innovation and success. Our goal is to ensure equal opportunities, treatment, and representation for all genders. We strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential. We will continuously work to eliminate gender biases, support equitable practices, and foster a culture of inclusivity. Together, we can build a more equitable and just society for everyone.